A LEED credential denotes proficiency in today’s sustainable design, construction and operations standards.

What are LEED credentials?
LEED Green Associate: A foundational professional credential signifying core competency in green building principles. The exam measures general knowledge of green building practices and how to support others working on LEED projects and is ideal for those new to green building.
LEED AP with specialty: An advanced professional credential signifying expertise in green building and a LEED rating system. To earn a LEED AP with specialty, candidates must first pass the LEED Green Associate exam. The exams measure knowledge about green building, a specific LEED rating system and the certification process and are ideal for individuals who are actively working on green building and LEED projects.
LEED Fellows: are LEED APs who have acquired significant technical knowledge and skills—and they have a history of exemplary leadership, impactful commitment, service, and advocacy in green building and sustainability. LEED Fellows are nominated by their peers, undergo an extensive portfolio review, must have at least 10 years of experience in the green building industry and hold a LEED AP with specialty credential, among other requirements.
Source: Green Building Council USGBC
The current LEED rating system is below:

Image: https://www.usgbc.org/leed

All Phases of Building/Construction are Eligible for LEED Certification:
LEED for BD + C (Building Design and Construction), LEED for O+M (Operations and Maintenance), LEED for ID+C (Interior Design and Construction), LEED for BD+C (Building Design and Construction), LEED for ND (Neighborhood Development)
Image From: https://www.usgbc.org/discoverleed/certification/all/
Why Become LEED Certified?
Green and Sustainable Design, Architecture, Engineering and Construction are growing in jobs and projects around the world. Obtaining LEED certification can help differentiate you and add you to an International Network of other LEED certified professionals.
Which LEED Certification Should I pursue?
Those with a highly technical background, such as Engineers, Architects and Construction Professionals tend to pursue LEED AP (Accredited Professional) certification. There are several categories of LEED AP (look at image above) : LEED AP Building Design and Construction (BD + C), LEED AP Homes (for designers and contractors), LEED AP Building Operations + Maintenance (O + M), LEED AP Interior Design + Construction (ID + C), and LEED AP Neighborhood Design (ND).